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ios用啥梯子“… Even if a vaccine candidate gets through the testing process and is successful by the end of the year, it will be several months before vaccination is widespread across the US.” ~ Dr. Fauci

Fauci Says He And His Family Have Been Assigned Security Detail Due To ‘Serious Threats’.

Staffer for Florida congressman dies of COVID-19. “Congressman Vern Buchanan announced that longtime staffer, Gary Tibbetts, died of COVID-19 on Friday. Buchanan is a Republican congressman from Florida, which has seen a recent surge in coronavirus cases.”

最靠谱的方式-VPS 搭建SSR 服务端教程 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 ...:2021-1-21 · 最靠谱的方式-VPS 搭建SSR 服务端教程。需要的工具:计算机基本操作能力Linode 账号 Digital Ocean 账号一张可伍支付美金的双币信用卡开通 VPS 账户Linode 或者DigitalOcean都是美国的 VPS 服务商,可伍用来作为 SSR的服务器,自由连接到全球 ...

Daily Beast: Trump’s New Favorite COVID Doctor Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine. “A Houston doctor who praises hydroxychloroquine and says that face masks aren’t necessary to stop transmission of the highly contagious coronavirus has become a star on the right-wing internet, garnering tens of millions of views on Facebook on Monday alone. Donald Trump Jr. declared the video of Stella Immanuel a ‘must watch,’ while Donald Trump himself retweeted the video. Before Trump and his supporters embrace Immanuel’s medical expertise, though, they should consider other medical claims Immanuel has made—including those about alien DNA and the physical effects of having sex with witches and demons in your dreams.”

Particle sizes of infectious aerosols: implications for infection control – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

Florida lawyers offering free living wills to teachers returning to school during the pandemic. “Since advertising the free living wills, a document that provides legal instructions for a person’s choice of medical care should they be unable to communicate them directly to a doctor themselves, [Charles Gallagher] has received inquiries from some 600 teachers and others school employees.”

Lexington Herald-Leader: 38 people test positive for COVID-19 following Ky. high school football team outbreak.

Andrea Bocelli is an idiot.
BBC: Andrea Bocelli ‘humiliated’ by Italy’s Covid rules. “Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli has said he felt “humiliated and offended” by lockdown measures imposed in the country due to coronavirus. ‘I could not leave the house even though I had committed no crime,’ Bocelli said. He also admitted to disobeying lockdown rules and believing the severity of the pandemic had been overblown. His comments will surprise many as he had become a symbol of national unity at the height of the lockdown.”

Take Coronavirus More Seriously, Say Olympic Rowers Who Got It.
“Emily Regan, an Olympic gold medalist from Williamsville, N.Y., who was among those infected, wrote a post on Facebook this month highlighting how debilitating the disease could be, even for some of the world’s best athletes who have incredibly powerful and efficient lungs….

Federal judge rejects legal challenges to Inslee’s emergency orders to curb spread of COVID-19. “A federal judge Friday denied a request for a preliminary injunction against Gov. Jay Inslee’s emergency coronavirus orders that had been brought by some Republican state lawmakers.”

Medicinal Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells
VIDEO The research comes after a three-year collaboration between cancer researcher Dr. Matt Dun and biotech company Australian Natural Therapeutics Group (ANTG). Throughout the period, Dun and his team tested the company’s cannabis strain with less than 1% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis, against cancer. During their research, Dun and his colleagues tested THC-rich cannabis against varieties with higher levels of cannabidiol (CBD). In the end, they found that those rich in CBD tended to be more effective in killing cancer cells from leukemia and pediatric brainstem glioma than high-THC varieties. More than this, they found that low-THC and high-CBD varieties did not kill normal bone marrow cells or healthy white blood cells.

Scientists Get Closer to Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease
An experimental blood test was highly accurate at distinguishing people with Alzheimer’s disease from those without it in several studies, boosting hopes that there soon may be a simple way to help diagnose this most common form of dementia.


MarineTraffic: Global Ship Tracking Intelligence
CHINA KILLING fishing vessels are currently forming a line below the Galapagos Islands. We are watching the destruction of the ocean in real time.

Progress Vietnam bans wildlife trade to curb risk of pandemics.
“Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has issued a directive to ban the Southeast Asian country’s wildlife trade with immediate effect in order to reduce the risk of new pandemics, a government statement said. The directive bans imports of live wild animals and wildlife products, eliminates wildlife markets, and enforce prohibitions on illegal hunting and trading of wild animals, including online sales, according to the statement issued late on Thursday.”

Why indigenous folklore can save animals’ lives
A belief system born of indigenous communities in the Philippines could help protect the country’s endangered species, from leopard cats to cloud rats. “Why did you hoot the horn?” I ask him. “And why are we slowing down?” “We are passing by the mariit tree,” he replies in Kinaray-a, one of the local languages. Part of indigenous wisdom, the “mariit” belief system (pronounced mar-ee-it) is deeply rooted in the relationship of the Filipinos with the environment. It can be traced back to the pre-colonial Filipino practice of animism, or the belief that everything possesses a soul. Mariit stretches back more than 500 years, affecting everything from where buildings are constructed, to how a driver negotiates a stretch of road. Increasingly, it is also being integrated into nature conservation.


YALE STUDY 600 unemployment bonuses did not lead to less work
The Confederate Southerner hates those Northern Intellectuals cause you know  they are still fighting those Yankees to keep those “women, brown, and black people in their place”


Virgin Islands government subpoenas multiple banks for Jeffrey Epstein’s financial records 
JPMorgan Chase and Citibank are among those that have been subpoenaed. At least ten financial institutions — including Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase and Citibank — have been issued subpoenas in recent weeks from the office of USVI Attorney General Denise George, according to court filings reviewed by ABC News. The subpoenas seek account records, transaction details and communications concerning Epstein, his estate, and more than 30 corporations, trusts and nonprofit entities connected to him.
Epstein first acquired property in the U.S. Virgin Islands in 1998, purchasing Little St. James, an island off the east coast of St. Thomas, for about $8 million. He then spent millions of dollars developing an elaborate compound, with a main house, swimming pool, helipad and guest villas overlooking the Caribbean Sea. Starting in 2010, Epstein made the island his permanent residence and established a host of vaguely-named entities in the territory to run his business, charitable and personal affairs. He would later, through a series of separate transactions totaling more than $20 million, complete the purchase of a larger, neighboring island called Great St. James.



Trump seen voting by mail in newly re-surfaced Access Hollywood video
Back in 2004, Billy Bush followed Donald Trump as he was going to vote in New York City, but things turned sour very quickly when a mix-up occurred with The Donald’s polling location.

详解山东自由贸易试验区|《恶魔的烦恼》攻略终结(36~39关 ...:2021-6-19 · 第三十六关,玩家先将“B”点上方的的梯子收集到,搭设在“A”点上方,再收集“F”点墙壁边的梯子,架设到“B”点上方,在一路到达“C”点;并用铲子遁到“C”点正下方的木箱上,再随着箱子下落到“D”点,收集满最底层的所有道具(三把梯子、两颗星星、一把镐头和一把. It wasn’t pretty
A close election this fall is likely to be contested, and there are few guardrails to stop a constitutional crisis, particularly if Trump flexes the considerable tools at his disposal to give himself an advantage. “He doesn’t have to win the election,” said Nils Gilman, a historian who leads research at a think tank called the Berggruen Institute and was an organizer of the exercise. “He just has to create a plausible narrative that he didn’t lose.”

Steven Mnuchin and the Tax-Haven Divide

THE RICH PRICK complains about the poor people subsisting on unemployment


What ‘Dixie’ Really Means Atlantic
Jonathan Lighter, the editor of the Historical Dictionary of American Slang, pieced together evidence that connects the Mason-Dixon line to Dixie via an unexpected intermediary: a children’s game played in New York City. In Lighter’s dictionary entry for Dixie, he had previously noted a claim from 1872 in the New York Weekly: “During any time within the last eighty years the term ‘Dixie’s Land’ has been in use with the New York boys while engaged in the game of ‘tag.’” In 2007, Lighter made some discoveries bolstering this claim. An 1861 letter to the editor of San Francisco’s Daily Evening Bulletin explained the New York game in more detail: “Imaginary lines would form the boundaries on the North and South, and the opposite party would attempt crossing the sacred domain, shouting as they entered upon it, ‘I am on Dixie’s land, and Dixie isn’t home.’” (The Bulletin editor noted its similarity to an old Scottish game using “Toddy’s ground” rather than “Dixie’s land.”)
A historical marker in New Orleans commemorates the supposed “Birthplace of ‘Dixie’” where the Citizens State Bank stood from 1835 to 1924. “In its early days, the bank issued its own $10 bank note, with the French word ‘Dix’ for ‘ten’ printed on the note’s face,” the marker reads. “As this currency became widespread, people referred to its place of origin as ‘the land of the Dix,’ which eventually shortened to ‘Dixieland.’” The only problem is, as Popik concluded by scouring newspaper databases, not a single contemporary account from New Orleans backs up this notion. more

‘What’s royalty got to do with folk music?’ the amazing story of Cecil Sharp House
Britain’s first folk arts centre is 90 years old this year. It has survived bombs, class struggles and changing times but its influence on music has been vast.
Helen Brown traces its remarkable history and talks to Shirley Collins, Peggy Seeger and Rachel Unthank about its enduring legacy. On its 90th birthday, CSH’s chief executive, Katy Spicer, reminds me that we can trace those tensions right back to 1898, when the middle-class Folk-Song Society was founded to collect and preserve folk songs and tunes primarily from Britain and Ireland. They found and filed songs for the nation’s cabinet of curiosities just as other Victorians collected shells, ferns and fossils. Prominent members included Lucy Broadwood, Frank Kidson and Anglican priest Sabine Baring-Gould. Letters stored at CSH reveal the fierce rivalry between many of the collectors as they competed to discover the best, oldest or most obscure “peasant” tunes.

‘I lived through the hard times folks read about now’: the gospel of Brother Theotis Taylor
The 92-year-old gospel singer worked as a turpentine farmer, built a house and church, raised eight children, and survived decades of brutal racism – with his music guiding the way. 拥有一架 Google 的小飞机是一种怎样的体验 · Issue #9 ...:2021-6-12 · 是的,我用的这个节点 另外如果ip被封的话,可伍重新申请一个vm,再部署个新的,这样ip就变了。然后删了之前的那个 2021年7月12日 下午4:57 於 "Dapeng999" <> 寫道: 请问大家都是用Aisa east C节点吗?

Daniel Smith, living son of a slave at 88, shares his family’s story


The big tech CEOs appearing before Congress today are “the emperors of surveillance empires that exercise total control over the world’s information,” says @shoshanazuboff “Unfortunately, none of that is an overstatement.”

Trump tries to regulate people who write mean things about him  on the net

“It was the Fairness Doctrine removal that largely allowed conservative talk radio to emerge as a force.”  Impeach Trump again and this time the Rethuglicans better remove him. The say nothing,  lying, cheating, power hungry, money grubbing trashy, disgusting roger stone corrupted  Republicans who stayed with their imperial confederate president are the ones to blame.

QAnon Has Gone Global “QAnon Army Finland.”
“Armies” like this can be found in Germany, France, and the U.K., as well as in Canada, Japan, and Iran. All of them support QAnon, a vast conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is waging a war against the “deep state” made up of elite families, politicians, and celebrities, which also just happens to connected a massive child sex trafficking ring and is currently using COVID-19 to entrench its power.

Vultr充值送50美元,2021年大促-Vultr VPS:Q:CN2/CN2 GIA是什么? A:CN2是中国电信的下一伋通信网络,与直连线路比较:CN2具有高带宽、低延迟的优势。CN2也分为两种:CN2 GT和CN2 GIA,在没有特指的时候,CN2默认是CN2 GT线路。
Energy’s 17 national laboratories will serve as the backbone of the system, according to the agency, which confirmed that the desired outcome could be fully realized within the next decade.

欢迎关注:2021-10-3 · 最近 KS 上的动作平衡类猫咪主题游戏,将于 8 月 15 日结束众筹,看游戏规则有一点像抓月亮和抽猴子的结合体,玩家伊通过搭设梯子并且将自己手中的小猫挂到梯子上获得分数。但是因为猫咪伊在梯子上的奇异造型,它被友人戏谑地称为“虐猫游戏”。\r\n \r\n \r\n
James Traub traced the appearance and evolution of the word “homeland” in American language. “The rise of ‘homeland’ … tracks the rise of the national sense of vulnerability,” Traub wrote. “As we use it now, ‘homeland’ means ‘the country insofar as it is endangered.’” Gessen notes that “homeland” is also a nativist term: it refers to the country where you were born, or else it comes with the qualifier “adopted,” which suggests that your claim to the homeland is contingent.

“The use of personality assessments in hiring, which dates back to the 1930s in the US, in fact began as a mechanism to weed out people most likely to become labor organizers.” An AI-hiring startup that already offers companies a tool to analyze a candidate’s traits, like “drive,” “initiative,” and “resilience,” is now trying to use machine learning to predict your likelihood of job-hopping. ios优质梯子

苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - · 武雪梅 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我伊在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。一些网民将此事与去年 ...
Smart assistants are sensitive to their wake words but who among us doesn’t trigger the smart speakers in their house with alarming frequency? Add in some heavily detailed privacy mishaps and a general feeling of distrust and there’s plenty of reason you might want to silence your smart speaker, occasionally. A new device promises to do just that, placing a check on your Amazon Echo’s always-on microphones through ultrasonic jamming. The gadget, dubbed Alexagate, is the latest drop from hype-as-a-service startup MSCHF. Last month, the startup announced a partnership with YouTuber MrBeast and an app where users could win bug bucks as long as they kept their finger on their phone. The contest ended with multiple winners as the competition  stretched from hours into days.

Cloudflare denies data leak after 3M customer IP addresses found on the dark web

Internal source code from 50 high-profile companies including Microsoft, Disney, and Nintendo has been leaked and posted online.

Election Officials Are Vulnerable to Email Attacks, Report Shows 
Cybersecurity vendor Area 1 Security Inc. tracked more than 12,000 local officials and determined that over 1,600 used free or nonstandard email software that often lacks the configuration and management protection found with large cloud-service providers. More than half of the officials used email systems with limited protection from phishing attacks, Area 1 said. The findings underscore problems with the country’s diverse, locally administered election system that attracted the attention of state-sponsored hackers four years ago.

Despite Trump claim, 13 states say some orders for coronavirus supplies still unfilled. “During his first coronavirus press briefing in nearly three months, President Donald Trump said his administration had filled every single request it has received from the nation’s governors for supplies to battle the coronavirus. But contrary to Trump’s claim, officials in 13 states told ABC News they still have requests pending for critical equipment as the virus spreads through much of the country.”

Mistake by Florida on child COVID-19 rate raises question: Can Florida’s numbers be trusted?. “An error by the Florida Department of Health produced a COVID-19 positivity rate for children of nearly one-third, a stunning figure that played into the debate over whether schools should reopen. A week after issuing that statistic, the department took it back without explanation. The next weekly report on children and COVID-19 showed the rate had plunged to 13.4%.”


The $5.3 Trillion Question Behind America’s COVID-19 Failure

New York Times Rewrites the Timeline of the Fed’s Wall Street Bailouts
Last Friday, the New York Times officially embarked on what we have been
expecting – an attempt to rewrite the current, ongoing Wall Street bank

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“Democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That […] is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.” — FDR


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Rethuglican Party of Death run by Mr. Make Everything Worse
Mike Pompeo’s wife, Susan, faces ethics issues at State Dept: report

Trump has killed more than nukes.
Nukes have killed fewer people than Trump. For comparison, confirmed deaths from coronavirus in the US now exceed the Manhattan Engineer District’s direct casualty estimates of both the nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Makes more sense if you consider that the Kremlin helped put this man in the White House. July alone already has a million confirmed COVID19 cases and we may hit five million by the end of the month. Factor in death rate this White House lovingly celebrates without taking into account rising numbers, and the pain is only beginning. Genocide!

– google knows where you are
– google knows what you search

You probably don’t know:
-when you search for food poisoning symptoms,
– google looks back in your location history the time that food poisoning takes to incubate and guesses which restaurant poisoned you

More than 1,000 people at Twitter had ability to aid hack of accounts





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“Finally. Here in SEC docs is what Facebook has painfully avoided public knowing and press has mostly missed documenting. Facebook data was ****SOLD**** to Cambridge Analytica. Can everyone please now say that 欢迎关注:2021-10-3 · 最近 KS 上的动作平衡类猫咪主题游戏,将于 8 月 15 日结束众筹,看游戏规则有一点像抓月亮和抽猴子的结合体,玩家伊通过搭设梯子并且将自己手中的小猫挂到梯子上获得分数。但是因为猫咪伊在梯子上的奇异造型,它被友人戏谑地称为“虐猫游戏”。\r\n \r\n \r\n

Facebook Employee Leaks Show Betrayal By Company Leadership

Mercer, Zuckerberg, Sandberg, Page, Brinn, Dorsey Handmaidens to Authoritarism

学习 - 收藏夹 - 知乎:2021-7-6 · 一直找不到工作是怎样一种体验?


Why TikTok’s ties to China pose a significant privacy and security risk
After reviewing TikTok’s data collection policies, lawsuits, cybersecurity white papers, past security vulnerabilities, and its privacy policy, we find TikTok to be a grave privacy threat that likely shares data with the Chinese government. We recommend everyone approach TikTok with great caution, especially if your threat model includes the questionable use of your personal data or Chinese government surveillance.

San Francisco consulate is harboring Chinese military researcher wanted by FBI then Chinese researcher ‘hiding’ in San Francisco consulate is arrested


Black Lives Matter @armedequality Another huge crowd tonight in Portland, including a new “wall” on the front lines: ios如何梯子. Here’s a look at the line of military veterans getting set up here in front of the federal courthouse. Behind them, the Wall of Moms and the Wall of Dads are arriving.

We’re Publishing Thousands of Police Discipline Records That New York Kept Secret for Decades — ProPublica Editor’s note

Civilian Complaints Against New York City Police Officers
Remember folks – only in the US have people lost health insurance due to the pandemic. For profit healthcare is a disgrace, and tying that for profit healthcare to employment makes us all less free.

Trump working with Bush torture lawyer to cut Congress out of lawmaking:

Court Allows Search of Wilbur Ross’s Personal Emails

管理业务竞赛题库(001) (战略规划部) - 作业部落 Cmd ...:29. 搭设单位 按照作业票管理制度应办理脚手架作业许可。 30.爬梯的设置应与脚手架的搭设进程同步。在脚手架处于 不完整的状态下,应在通往作业面的所有爬梯上设置“脚手 架禁止使用”的 红色标识 ,并增加横杆围挡防止无关人员 误入。

Sen. Hawley to Introduce Bill to Hold Corporate America Accountable for Having Slave Labor in Supply Chains | Senator Josh Hawley

Tom Cotton calls slavery  ‘necessary evil’ in attack on New York Times’ 1619 Project

Cotton’s Saving American History Act of 2023 and “would prohibit the use of federal funds to teach the 1619 Project by K-12 schools or school districts”, according to a statement from the senator’s office. An initiative from the New York Times that reframes US history around August 1619 and the arrival of slave ships on American shores for the first time.  She ios用啥梯子: “If chattel slavery – heritable, generational, permanent, race-based slavery where it was legal to rape, torture, and sell human beings for profit – were a ‘necessary evil’ as Tom Cotton says, it’s hard to imagine what cannot be justified if it is a means to an end. “Imagine thinking a non-divisive curriculum is one that tells black children the buying and selling of their ancestors, the rape, torture, and forced labor of their ancestors for PROFIT, was just a ‘necessary evil’ for the creation of the ‘noblest’ country the world has ever seen.

Senate Approves Proposal To Strip Confederate Names From Army Bases By Veto-Proof Majority

We Shouldn’t Sacrifice the Health of Our Teachers
When it comes to the daunting question of reopening schools, America’s educators deserve a plan, not a trap. ~Dave Grohl

The Black Hand (1906) is one of the first films made about the mafia, and possibly the earliest gangster film to survive.

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In Era of Sickness, Doctors Prescribe Unusual Cure: VOTING

Symptom Duration and Risk Factors for Delayed Return to Usual Health
Among Outpatients with COVID-19 in a Multistate Health Care Systems Network — United States, March–June 2023
20% of 18-34 year olds w no pre/existing conditions have not returned to normal after 2-3 weeks. 35% if all ages. Longer term tracking to continue. New report on long-lasting COVID symptoms

Study: Poor social distancing linked to lower intelligence

Scans Reveal Heart Damage in Over Half of COVID-19 Patients in Study

Cover your nose with your mask to prevent COVID-19 spread

Coronavirus: Rocklin CA church defying order got PPP loan

Ed Henry accused of rape, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson accused of harassment

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Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian
ios vpn中国:2021-10-11 · ios vpn中国 4伋i7 com.findtheway 2.2.6 鲨鱼一家 为什么热拉登录不了 网飞加速器怎么下载手机版 小明vp n翻墙 baavpn手机下载 狸猫vpm苹果怎么找不到 比特加速器手机破解版 苹果曝光软件 阿里云轻量服务器搭建ssr shadowrocks电脑版配置 ...

If you never read it – Maxwell’s Indictment

How to hydroxychloroquine

How to testing

Ad for Biden
The ad was launched by the coalition Republican Voters Against Trump and started with footage of Graham railing against Trump on CNN in 2015. It then showed Graham praising Biden in an interview that same year with the Huffington Post.

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Exclusive: Global banks scrutinize their Hong Kong clients for pro-democracy ties – sources
HONG KONG (Reuters) – Global wealth managers are examining whether their clients in Hong Kong have ties to the city’s pro-democracy movement, in an attempt to avoid getting caught in the crosshairs of China’s new national security law, according to six people with knowledge of the matter.
Bankers at Credit Suisse Group AG (CSGN.S), HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA.L), Julius Baer Gruppe AG (BAER.S) and UBS Group AG (UBSG.S), among others, are broadening scrutiny under their programs that screen clients for political and government ties and subjecting them to additional diligence requirements, these people said. The designation, called politically exposed persons, can make it more difficult or altogether prevent people from accessing banking services, depending on what the bank finds about the person’s source of wealth or financial transactions. The checks at some wealth managers have involved combing through comments made by clients and their associates in public and in media, and social media posts in the recent past, these people said. The new law prohibits what Beijing describes broadly as secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces, with up to life in prison for offenders. The sources, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation, said the broadened scrutiny of clients also applied to Hong Kong and Chinese officials who had implemented the law in anticipation of any U.S. sanctions against them.< – >

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Banks in US Can Now Offer Crypto Custody Services, Regulator Says

Apple co-founder sues Google, YouTube over fake Bitcoin giveaways


Posted on Categories @K12Newsletters, ios用啥梯子, Yurika Satomi里美由梨香:2021-6-13 · 既然选择了远方,便只能风雨兼程,快乐不是因为得到Yurika Satomi里美由梨香的多而是因为计较的少,人的本性就是贪婪,但没有贪婪社会就不会进步,幸福和幸运是需要伋价的,天下没有免费的 …, K12Newsletters, K12PlayGround, NetHappeningsTags ios如何梯子, #DELETE FACBOOK IMMEDIATELY, Civilian Complaints Against New York City Police Officers, If you’re not terrified about Facebook, March–June 2023, NetHappenings, 拥有一架 Google 的小飞机是一种怎样的体验 · Issue #9 ...:2021-6-12 · 是的,我用的这个节点 另外如果ip被封的话,可伍重新申请一个vm,再部署个新的,这样ip就变了。然后删了之前的那个 2021年7月12日 下午4:57 於 "Dapeng999" <> 寫道: 请问大家都是用Aisa east C节点吗?, Symptom Duration and Risk Factors for Delayed Return to Usual Health Among Outpatients with COVID-19 in a Multistate Health Care Systems Network — United States, Tom Cotton A ‘necessary evil’ for the creation of the ‘noblest’ country the world has ever seen., 夜恋影院安卓系列uc浏览器 _ 〖无名印〗-[江孜新闻网|-www ...:2021-5-31 · 在所有批评家中,最伟大、最正确,最天才的是时间。夜恋影院安卓系列uc浏览器世界上最快而又最慢,最长而又最短,最平凡而又最珍贵,最容易忽视而又最伌人后悔的就是时间。, We Shouldn’t Sacrifice the Health of Our Teachers, We’re Publishing Thousands of Police Discipline Records That New York Kept Secret for Decades, 历史招标公告_山东招标网_2021年08月30日:2021-8-30 · 山东招标网提供提供山东的2021年的所有招标、采购、工程建设项目信息。 [山东省] 青岛西海岸新区自然资源局青岛西海岸新区矿山地质环境生态修复工程PPP项目公开招标公告 [山东省] 鲁西集团催化剂事业部阀类询价单20210830 [山东省] 鲁西集团催化剂事业部PVC管件询价单20210830, you haven’t been paying attention Carole CadwalladrLeave a comment on Educational CyberPlayGround Inc. NetHappenings Newsletter 7-27-2023


Amazing Perspective we all need right now

was founded only 5 years after the last living former American slave died.

Aliens are real and full disclosure has been announced
and literally nobody cares. All of those people who said that proof of alien life would unite humanity were wrong. Everyone I know is shrugging this off like no big deal. The U.S. Navy has confirmed that three F-18 gun-camera videos first released by The New York Times and a UFO research organization show “unidentified aerial phenomena,” or UAPs—a more formal term for UFOs that doesn’t have all the little-green-men baggage.
The Times originally released two of the videos in a December 2017 article revealing that the Pentagon had operated a secret UFO investigatory project, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). All three videos were published on the website of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, a UFO research organization founded by former Blink-182 singer and guitarist Tom DeLonge.

机电-程序顺序总结_图文_百度文库:2021-3-15 · P135 电站锅炉安装一般程序:设备的清点检查和验收→基础验收→基础放线→设备搬运及起重吊装→钢架 及梯子平台的安装→汽包安装→锅炉本体受热面的安装→燃烧热备的安装→附属设备安装→热工伈表保护 装置安装→单机试转→报警及连锁试验→水压试验→
to people in the U.S. until “several months” into next year, ios优质梯子 Friday during a Washington Post, Post Live event.
But we know Pfizer to offer a vaccine by the end of 2023

4) Meanwhile Trump’s senior advisor says Democratic leaders want to secede from the  U.S.

Stephen Miller’s Parents Took Coronavirus Relief
Steven Miller, Senior Advisor to Republican President Donald Trump, said Democratic mayors and governors want to secede from the United States and praised the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents who have clashed against racial justice protesters in Portland, Oregon, saying the agents should be “celebrated as heroes.”

People want to secede from trump and trumpism the party of death!

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The Democratic Party will “remake” America!!

Tucker Carlson: The Democratic Party will “remake” America “completely” if they win the election

Carlson: “Democrats have a strong incentive therefore to inflict as much pain as they can and that’s what they’re doing”

Tucker Carlson: “If Democrats take both the Senate and the White House, and they could, you will not recognize America a year from now”



tucker carlson accused of harassment

Fox News suit: Ed Henry accused of rape, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson accused of harassment


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